Graduate Students

Lindsay Olson
Doctoral Student in SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Lindsay is a PhD student in the SDSU / UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. After graduating from Whitman College, Lindsay studied pragmatic language use in children with ASD as a research assistant at Oregon Health & Science University. After completing a predoctoral research fellowship at the Marcus Autism Center at Emory University where she used eye-tracking to examine early social development in infants at risk for developing ASD, Lindsay joined SCANgroup to study early social and brain development in autism and how experiences influence the course of brain development. Lindsay is a recipient of the prestigious Autism Speaks fellowship and the SDSU University Graduate Fellowship. Her work has been published in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Autism, with several other papers currently under review.

Bosi Chen
Doctoral Student in SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
Bosi is a PhD student in the Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology at SDSU and UC San Diego. After graduating from New York University with B.A. in Psychology and Economics, Bosi worked as a Research Associate at the NYU Child Study Center to study neural mechanisms underlying autism and ADHD in children and adolescents. Currently, Bosi is jointly working with our lab and with Dr. Marty Sereno, Director of SDSU Imaging Center. Bosi is a recipient of the prestigious Autism Speaks predoctoral fellowship and the SDSU University Graduate Fellowship. Her recent paper on brain network connectivity in young children with ASD has been featured in Spectrum.

Tiffany Wang
Doctoral Student in Psychology at UC San Diego (UCSD)
Tiffany is a PhD student in the Psychology department at UC San Diego (UCSD). After graduating from UCSD with a B.A/B.S in psychology and biology, she worked with Dr. Aubyn Stahmer at the Child and Adolescent Services Research Center on ways to deliver evidence-based practices into community settings. Tiffany is jointly working with our lab, as well as with Dr. Leslie Carver’s Developmental Neuroscience Lab at UCSD. She is interested in identifying biological or behavioral markers in infants and toddlers at risk for autism.
Research Assistants

Annie Andriasyan
Post-Baccalaureate Research Assistant
Annie graduated from the University of California, Riverside with a B.A. in Psychology and a B.S. in Anthropology. She joined SCANgroup in 2019 and is assisting with many aspects of the Toddler Project. She plans to pursue a graduate degree in research-oriented psychology field.

Elisa Mendez
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Elisa is an undergraduate student studying psychology and child and family development at SDSU. Elisa is interested in understanding childhood developmental disorders from a psychological and behavioral perspective. She has a passion for working with children and has a strong desire to give back to her community. In the summer 2020 she received the SDSU Summer Undergraduate Research Program award to investigate links between socioeconomic variables and anxiety levels in young children with autism.

Irem Sogutlugil
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Irem is a Psychology major at SDSU. With an interest in developmental psychology, Irem has been assisting with various aspects of the Toddler Project, including data collection and quality assurance.